The Walltopia competition
Walltopia competition - The Rooftop Bar
Walltopia competition - the Garden and the Pool
Walltopia competition - The Mezzanin level
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Walltopia Competition - The Ground level
Walltopia Competition - The Main alley
Walltopia Competition - The Big Climbing Hall
Walltopia Competition - Panoramic view
Walltopia competition - Panoramic view
The Walltopia competition
The Walltopia competition

Walltopia is an international company, promoting and designing climbing walls for sport, fun and as attraction. The architectural competition for the Collider Activity Center, Waltopia's new project in Sofia, was started in 2013. The presented architectural concept separates the complex in two bodies - one for the company’s management, and the other for the company’s promoted activities. The project's idea was mostly contributed by arch. Konstantin Antonov, and the architectural concept and visualization was designed by me.

Walltopia competition - The Rooftop Bar
Walltopia competition - The Rooftop Bar

The Bar floats 21 meters above the floor of the Big Climbing Hall. The Climbers can climb to it and go for a drink out, on the Green sloped roof, the highest point in the Walltopia Park.

Walltopia competition - the Garden and the Pool
Walltopia competition - the Garden and the Pool

The Garden on the left, and the outdoor Pool are next to the Restaurant. Therefor the Restaurant can communicate with the Garden in the winter, and with the Pool in the summer. The slightly sloped Green roof of the Climbing Hall leads to a Rooftop Bar. The climbers can reach and access the Bar from the inside, by climbing directly into it. 

Walltopia competition - The Mezzanin level
Walltopia competition - The Mezzanin level

This level is a crossroad of almost all the different functions, available in the facility. The proposed plan follows the contest's requirements, achieving perfect balance in the facility's circuit.

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Walltopia Competition - The Ground level
Walltopia Competition - The Ground level

The concept idea behind the proposed ground level plan is to establish an open and direct dialog between the main zones, spread across the entire plot. It is planned for the facility to welcome hundreds of visitors every day. Therefor, this communication should be able to manage with peaks in the traffic. The goal is not just to get the people from beginning to the end of the Walltopia's activities program, but also to do it in a way, that the experience is unique.

Walltopia Competition - The Main alley
Walltopia Competition - The Main alley

The two bodies of the Walltopia complex are crossed by the Main alley, leading directly to the Walltopia Park. The main entrances are placed under a passage, connecting the buildings at the first level. 

Walltopia Competition - The Big Climbing Hall
Walltopia Competition - The Big Climbing Hall

The Hall is 23 meters at it's highest point, with the two level Sky Bar, accessible from inside, either with climbing, or by the round shaped staircase. The glass facade looks towards the Open events plaza.

Walltopia Competition - Panoramic view
Walltopia Competition - Panoramic view

The Administrative part of the complex - or the Office body, is designed with open space floors, with no division inside. The levels cascade one over each other, following the slope of the roof, making all the floors share one ceiling. In front the Office body is the Parking plaza with its solar panel roof.

Walltopia competition - Panoramic view
Walltopia competition - Panoramic view