The Hotel & Winery Spa project
Hotel & Wnery Spa - The outdoor pool
Hotel & Winery Spa - The main entrance
Hotel & Winery Spa - The Lobby garden
Hotel & Winery Spa - A look over the Garden and the Pool
Hotel & Winery Spa - The Indoor Pool
Hotel & Winery Spa - The Wine Bar & Restaurant
Hotel & Winery - The Outdoor Pool & Bar
Hotel & Winery Spa - The main entrance
Hotel & Winery - View of The whole complex
The Hotel & Winery Spa project
The Hotel & Winery Spa project

This is a project for a Hotel complex in Rodopa Mountains, close to the city of Gotse Delchev. The region is popular with its grape sorts and quality wine production. Therefor the Hotel is designed with a boutique winery, producing small quantities of selected wines. For a full insight of the local wine culture, the Hotel's Spa provides a Wine-Therapy program for the guests. The project was designed for my graduation in the Department of Architecture in 2011. Nevertheless the project is precise in detail as a real investment project.

Hotel & Wnery Spa - The outdoor pool
Hotel & Wnery Spa - The outdoor pool
Hotel & Winery Spa - The main entrance
Hotel & Winery Spa - The main entrance
Hotel & Winery Spa - The Lobby garden
Hotel & Winery Spa - The Lobby garden

This is the Lobby garden, surrounded partially by the glass facade of the Indoor swimming pool.

Hotel & Winery Spa - A look over the Garden and the Pool
Hotel & Winery Spa - A look over the Garden and the Pool

The transparent glass roof of the Indoor swimming pool is build of 4 large glass pyramids and  5 small, in between the large ones. The transparent part of the roof is just above the water.

Hotel & Winery Spa - The Indoor Pool
Hotel & Winery Spa - The Indoor Pool

The pool is at the mezzanine level. The glass structure covering the pool provides direct sunlight inside. The Pool is linked directly to the Fitness, on one side, and to the Spa on the other. In between there is a small Sports Bar for fresh drinks.

Hotel & Winery Spa - The Wine Bar & Restaurant
Hotel & Winery Spa - The Wine Bar & Restaurant

The boutique Winery production facility is designed to produce a few thousand bottles of wine per year, enough to supply the local demand. The Winery's Enoteka is accessible directly through the Bar & Restaurant, so the guests can taste the new wines directly from the barrels, or to choose a bottle. 

Hotel & Winery - The Outdoor Pool & Bar
Hotel & Winery - The Outdoor Pool & Bar

The Wine Bar, witch is part of the Restaurant is situated close to the Outdoor Pool. The Wine production laboratory is on the back of the Bar. The Restaurant's kitchen and the wine production facility lay's on the underground level.

Hotel & Winery Spa - The main entrance
Hotel & Winery Spa - The main entrance
Hotel & Winery - View of The whole complex
Hotel & Winery - View of The whole complex

On the left is the Indoor Pool, In the middle is the Hotel body, and on the right is the Restaurant, Bar & Winery facility.