The Iztok Office tower
Iztok Office Tower - SE view
Iztok Office Tower - The Ground Level
Iztok Office Tower - The Offices
Iztok Office Tower - The Section
Iztok Office Tower - View from the second entrance
The Iztok Office tower
The Iztok Office tower

Even though the high-rise development is considered a controversial subject in many European cities, the Iztok Office Tower is one attempt to defend in theory such a project. It is located in the Iztok district of Sofia, on one of the main boulevards - Tsarigradsko Shose. It is a well connected area of the city, where high-rise development is possible and accepted. The project was designed by me, for a architectural seminar and exhibition, held in Sofia in 2010.

Iztok Office Tower - SE view
Iztok Office Tower - SE view

The tower has two main entrances, symmetrically opposite to the Lobby - one facing the Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd. and the other one facing the ground level parking. The Lobby has two levels - the second level is a gallery, opening the space of the first one for natural daylight. 

Iztok Office Tower - The Ground Level
Iztok Office Tower - The Ground Level

In the center of the Ground level plan the vertical communications are placed. As required, the six elevators coming from the underground parking, located next to the Atrium's wide staircases (in green color), has its last stop at the second Atrium level. The four corners, where the two wide staircases and the Commercial areas on the second floor are placed, are naturally lighted from the four glass roofs openings above. The two dark gray squares are the gallery, connecting the firs and second floors of the Atrium. The main vertical communication - the six central elevators for all the upper floors are right in the middle of the plan, in the blue access control area.

Iztok Office Tower - The Offices
Iztok Office Tower - The Offices

With its 24 office floors, the tower contains 48 separate offices in total, two on each floor. Since the tower plans are symmetric, the offices are vertically identical. Only the facade changes the position of the openings. Every office has two entrances - main and emergency. The service areas are separated from the offices, as a part of the building common managed areas.

Iztok Office Tower - The Section
Iztok Office Tower - The Section

The floors marked in red are common areas with public access. In the large Atrium are placed: The Lobby, a Cafe - Bar, a gallery for cultural events, and a small Shop. On the top two floors of the building a Bar & Restaurant and a Spa & Fitness are placed. Both of them share a open rooftop terrace with views over the cityscape.

Iztok Office Tower - View from the second entrance
Iztok Office Tower - View from the second entrance