
Welcome to KonkretKonzept. This is a place where Concepts becomes Reality. Architecture is a World, that can give enough space for everyone.

To provide professionalism, we simply form a Team, corresponding to the complexity and the location of the given project.

KonkretKonzept was founded by Asparuh Petrov.

Our Services page describes the process of Architectural design in Phases.

The Projects page presents some academic, competition and investment projects, covering a period of my work before, and after the foundation of KonkretKonzept.

Asparuh Petrov - Professional Resume

Kapitel Design Ltd. - www.kapiteldesign.com, is the company where I started working in the field of design and architecture.

In November 2011 I graduated a Masters program in the Department of Architecture in New Bulgarian University - Sofia - www.nbu.bg.

Since 2014, I am a member of the Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria - www.kab.bg, legislated as an architect under list number 04747.

Between December 2015 and August 2020 I was a member of the Architektenkammer Berlin - www.ak-berlin.de, legislated as an architect under list number 15235.

Since September 2020 I am a member of the Brandenburgische Architektenkammer - www.ak-brandenburg.de, legislated as an architect under list number: BA 3993-20-1-A.

Since November 2017 I am a certified Passivhaus Planner - www.passive.de

M. Arch. Asparuh Petrov
founder of KonkretKonzept