The Bachevo Apartments project
Bachevo Apartments - groung level
Bachevo Apartments - upper level
Bachevo Apartments - facades SE and SW
Bachevo Apartments - Facades NW and NE
Bachevo Apartments - the five existing bungalows
Bachevo Apartments - Apartment 1 - ground level
Bachevo Apartments - Apartment 2 - ground level
Bachevo Apartments - Apartment 3 - upper level
Bachevo Apartments - Apartment 4 - upper level
Bachevo Apartments - Apartment 5 - upper level
Bachevo Apartments - Apartment 6 - upper level
Bachevo Apartments - Apartment 7 - upper level
Bachevo Apartments - Sections
The Bachevo Apartments project
The Bachevo Apartments project

The Bachevo Apartments project is located in the upper part of Bachevo village. On the other side of passing by the river is the hill, where Bachevo Resort project was aimed to happen. In the plot five identical bungalows existed, and a central two story building was needed. In 2009 I started the project for the central two story building, and in 2012, when the construction was almost completed, the investor asked for a change in concept. The building went threw a complete change in interior function - from a Guest house with rooms to let and common kitchen and living room, to a Apartment building, with private apartments. The visualizations are made by the 3D artist Illya Gamza.

Bachevo Apartments - groung level
Bachevo Apartments - groung level

On the ground level are planed two apartments, one with two and one with three bedrooms. Both apartments have direct access to the garden. The apartments are suitable for all seasons.

Bachevo Apartments - upper level
Bachevo Apartments - upper level

On this level are placed five small apartments, each with one bedroom. All the apartments are designed with compact kitchens.

Bachevo Apartments - facades SE and SW
Bachevo Apartments - facades SE and SW
Bachevo Apartments - Facades NW and NE
Bachevo Apartments - Facades NW and NE
Bachevo Apartments - the five existing bungalows
Bachevo Apartments - the five existing bungalows
Bachevo Apartments - Apartment 1 - ground level
Bachevo Apartments - Apartment 1 - ground level

In the next few slides are presented in larger scale the seven apartments of the central house.

Bachevo Apartments - Apartment 2 - ground level
Bachevo Apartments - Apartment 2 - ground level
Bachevo Apartments - Apartment 3 - upper level
Bachevo Apartments - Apartment 3 - upper level
Bachevo Apartments - Apartment 4 - upper level
Bachevo Apartments - Apartment 4 - upper level
Bachevo Apartments - Apartment 5 - upper level
Bachevo Apartments - Apartment 5 - upper level
Bachevo Apartments - Apartment 6 - upper level
Bachevo Apartments - Apartment 6 - upper level
Bachevo Apartments - Apartment 7 - upper level
Bachevo Apartments - Apartment 7 - upper level
Bachevo Apartments - Sections
Bachevo Apartments - Sections